Activities for your family

Get fun ideas for your loved one with Dravet syndrome, their siblings, and the whole family—all from parents and caregivers who can relate. Since every child lives with Dravet syndrome differently, use your best judgment to determine which activities your loved one can participate in.

Activities for all ages and abilities

Because Dravet syndrome may often keep your family at home, it can help to get creative when it comes to finding things to do. Here are some
age-appropriate ideas that promote learning but don’t require too much planning ahead. These ideas come from other parents and caregivers—
people who understand what it’s like to have a child with Dravet syndrome.

Younger children

Giovanni loves music, his grandparents, playing in water, and being outside.

—Danitza, mom of Giovanni, age 4

Have a sing-along

Watch some online videos with your loved one’s favorite music and follow along to the lyrics. Add percussion with your hands and feet.

Dance to the music

Put on some of your favorite songs and dance the night away. Even if your child is unable to dance, they’ll enjoy laughing at your goofy dance moves.

Play pretend

Pick a random object in your house and pretend it has come to life. What would it say? How would it act? You can use a different object each time to create an entire story or world.

Have a “snowball” fight

You don’t need snow for a snowball fight. Scrunch up old newspaper or socks and imagine you’ve reached the North Pole.

Dress up

Let your child raid your closet. Your child can dress like you, and you can be silly and dress like your child.

Build a fort

Whether it’s made from couch cushions or pillows and blankets, creating a fort is a great way for your child to show off their creativity.

Play outside

A simple trip to the park or playing in a sandbox can be fun activities to do outside without it being too strenuous on your child.

Color together

There are plenty of free downloadable pages available online. Try searching for their favorite cartoon or flower.

Play with sensory toys

Squishing modeling clay, blowing bubbles, and finger painting are all great activities that help engage your child’s five senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.

Snuggle time

Grab a blanket and get cozy with your child. Showing affection and embracing them is a perfect way to express your love for one another.

Older children and adults

Right now Mia likes to play bowling with me on the Nintendo Switch. So she’ll say, ‘Mom, we’ve got to do our bowling!’ and she kicks my butt every time. She's really good at it.

—Erin, mom of Mia, age 16

Sing karaoke

Grab the fake microphone and belt out your favorite songs. YouTube has plenty of free karaoke videos that you can pull up on a phone, computer, or TV.

Play ball

Whether you want to play catch or turn your living room into a bowling alley with soup-can pins, playing ball can be fun for a few minutes or many hours.

Play video games

Learning a game your child plays on an iPad or a console is a great way for you to show interest in something your child enjoys.

Work on puzzles

Whether it is a word puzzle or a picture puzzle, these activities can help with cognitive development and ongoing learning.

Play board games

It doesn’t matter if you follow the rules or make up your own. These games encourage your child to interact with others in a controlled environment.

Read together

It doesn’t matter if it’s a comic book or a story, reading something together is a great way for you both to relax and bond.

Fun activities for the entire family

If the day's cool enough, or shaded enough, we are able to go out. We find a nice park, go out for a walk, and the boys really enjoy it.

—Danitza, mom of
Giovanni and Christian

Yoga exercises

Breathing and stretching can help reduce anxiety.

Listen to music

Music can have a calming effect on your loved one with Dravet syndrome.

Brain breaks

These can be times throughout the day when everyone pauses to meditate.

Decorating snacks

They can be holiday-themed treats or something as simple as ants on a log (celery with peanut butter and raisins).

Movie night

Carving out time during the week to watch a movie can bring the family together.

Board games

A family game night is a great way to learn and make memories together.

Video games

Showing a genuine interest in something your kids enjoy can help you connect with them even more.

Going to the zoo

A trip to your local zoo or aquarium is a great way for everyone in the family to see their favorite animals together.

Taking a trip

A horseback adventure (equine therapy) or even getting a hotel for a night are great ways to get out of the house.

Group walks/hikes

Whether it’s around the neighborhood or out in the woods, this is a great way for the family to bond. There are even apps, like AllTrails, that can help you locate accessible paths and trails.

Find information for your family, no matter where you are on your path with Dravet syndrome

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